Frank Frenchie

Frank Frenchie

I'm looking for a new home...
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 1 yrs, 1 m
  • Breed: French Bulldog
  • Neutered: No
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Chipped: Yes
  • Size: Medium

About Frank Frenchie

  • Good with children
  • Cat friendly
  • Loves treats
  • High energy
  • People friendly
  • Needs some training
  • Loves Food

Foster to Adopt home wanted for Frank

Frank is a 6 month old French Bulldog who recently came to us. He is a lovely, lively little boy, a typical Frenchie and into everything. He loves his toys, walks and cuddles.

He has been in foster with dogs, cats and dog savvy children and whilst he wanted to play with the cats, they ignored him so he left them to it. He is progressing well with his training – although he does still have the odd toileting accident and his new owners will need to be fully committed to continuing his training and giving him the stimulation a puppy needs.

We are looking for a home where Frank will be the only dog as he has shown signs of dominance with the dogs in the home and there has been and unprovoked scuffle between him and the other male dog. This could be an isolated incident but as Frank is dominant we feel he would be happiest on his own.

He has been fine with cats and his foster mum’s dog savvy 8 year old children.

He is vaccinated and will need neutering at our vets in Swadlincote when old enough. An adoption donation of £300 applies. Please apply at

My Info
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 1 yrs, 1 m
  • Breed: French Bulldog
  • Neutered: No
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Chipped: Yes
  • Size: Medium
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