

I'm looking for a new home...
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 3 yrs, 1 m
  • Breed: Cat
  • Neutered: Yes
  • Vaccinated: No
  • Chipped: Yes
  • Size: Medium

About Monday

Monday is a 14 month old black smoke Bobtail who came to  came to us as her owners could no longer care for her. 

She is currently in foster with dogs and cats and although stayed very well hidden for the first 48 hours when she eventually came out of hiding she wasn't phased by the resident dogs at all, however she really isn't a fan of other cats, she will stay away from them whenever possible and will tell them off if they try to get close. For this reason we are looking for a home where she will either be the only cat or one other placid cat in the household who will take the lead from her and not push her to interact.

She will live happily with calm dogs once she has had time to make up her mind that they are safe. 

She loves children and will happily be someone's lap cat as she takes a lot of pleasure being with humans and curling up with them for some love.

She is spayed but waiting for her vaccinations so her adopter will need to be able to take her for these as soon as possible. 

Monday is a very gentle soul who just needs someone to love and appreciate her.

My Info
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 3 yrs, 1 m
  • Breed: Cat
  • Neutered: Yes
  • Vaccinated: No
  • Chipped: Yes
  • Size: Medium
Treat Me