Snowy and Stormy

Snowy and Stormy

I'm looking for a new home...
  • Gender: None
  • Age: 0 yrs, 3 m
  • Breed: Cat
  • Neutered: Yes
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Chipped: Yes
  • Size: Medium

About Snowy and Stormy

  • Good with children
  • Cat friendly
  • House trained
  • Loves treats
  • High energy
  • People friendly
  • Loves Food

Snowy and Storm are sadly still looking for a home months down the line, they are now around 10 months old and we desperately want to get them into a forever home.

We know that we will likely have to split them in order for them to get a home, it's far from ideal as they've always been together but they do really need their own home now.

We don't know where the kittens originally came from, but they came into us with terrible gingivitis and Snowy needed an eye operation which she's now healed from. The kittens have amazing teeth but sadly terrible gums, with good dental care and a good quality dry only diet, they will hopefully make it til around 5 before they will need their teeth removing we expect. We will add a clause into their adoption contracts to say will cover this dental, but it will need to be carried out at our Swadlincote or Tamworth vets.

The kittens are both fine with other cats, kids, and have met dogs with no issues, but they will need a strict dry food only diet, dental chews and ideally a pet mouthwash in their water bowl.

As they've been in their foster for so long, they have been allowed to explore the garden and love being outside, so would need a home away from busy roads.

Adoption donation is £90 per kitten, theh are vaccinated, chipped and neutered.

Adoption applications via our website please

Apply now!
My Info
  • Gender: None
  • Age: 0 yrs, 3 m
  • Breed: Cat
  • Neutered: Yes
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Chipped: Yes
  • Size: Medium
Treat Me